Pioneering Health Management




An initial consultation is $150.00, which will be directly applied to your first in-person visit. Please contact our office for the link. All TELEHEALTH calls are completely confidential and are fully HIPAA compliant.

Office: (908) 448-2772


Consider Us A Part Of Your Health Team

If you are one of over 50 million Americans suffering from chronic disease, Functional Medicine has much to offer you. While it is a generalized, holistic approach to wellness, even specialists such as allergists, dermatologists, ENTs, gynecologists, urologists, orthopedists, opthamologists, accident and trauma surgeons, internists, sports medicine, dentists, and even veterinarians have started using it in their practices because of its proven effectiveness.

Functional Medicine offers a new paradigm in healthcare, based on the belief that diseases don't exist. What we know as diseases are really an expression of a breakdown in our interconnected biological systems. Functional Medicine looks at the big picture, focusing on the individual instead of the ailment and symptoms. Functional Medicine Practitioners build partnerships with our patients, empowering them to take control of their own health and make sustainable, positive lifestyle changes. You deserve more than temporary relief. Functional Medicine offers long-term recovery, so that you can go on to live a healthy life.

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Dr. Alan Shair has over 30 years of experience in the field of healing. He is an expert in Lyme Disease Therapy, and has had tremendous success with his patients. Most of his patients report feeling a difference after just one month! Learn how Dr. Shair has helped patients with Lyme Disease by viewing the videos below. To see longer versions of these videos, please click visit our Testimonials page.


Dr. Robert Abbatiello – MA

Dr. Abbatiello is a seasoned Integrative Health Practitioner, and an expert in Lyme Disease. But when he contracted Lyme Disease, nothing that he did worked, and he almost died. If Dr. Shair had not stepped in and saved his life, he is convinced that he would not still be here. Now, he is back to living and feeling even better than before Dr. Shair worked with him!


Alex – Middlesex, NJ

Dr. Alan Shair helped his patient Alex Piech conquer Lyme Disease. He is healthy, happy and feels like he has a new life. He has moved to Florida with his family. Dr. Shair really changed his life for the better.



David – Morristown, NJ

I had joint problems, overall lack of energy and lots of aches and pains. I thought that this was what aging at 60 was all about, until I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease. After working with Dr. Shair, I got my health and energy back! Today I feel younger and more energetic than ever!


Andrea – Colonia, NJ

Since working with Dr. Shair my life has improved tremendously because I was terrified, lost and frustrated that I couldn't get better. After I met Dr. Shair, I feel that there are answers, and the certainty of getting better permanently. I don't feel scared anymore because I can always turn to him and he'll have the solutions.


Andreas – Glen Gardner, NJ

Dr. Shair did not give up until he found out that my symptoms were caused by Lyme Disease. He identified treatment strategies that really worked. I feel better than ever and able to work and have alot of energy.


Robin – Bridgewater, NJ

I was diagnosed with Lyme in 2014 by an infectious disease doctor who despite my negative lab results, LISTENED to me and treated with a round of Doxycycline. The catch? Because there was no medical proof, I could not be treated again. The anxiety of waiting for the other shoe to drop stole the peace of daily living. Was I CURED?...when might I have a relapse? Could I ever enjoy the outdoors again? I was introduced to Dr. Shair, who through his personal Lyme experience and extensive knowledge, confirmed that I indeed still had Lyme AND 4 co infections. But the most important piece he confirmed was that there was a cure, and peace to come with immune treatments. I have been following his protocol for 6 months, with concrete confirmation that the infections are being irradiated. I have my energy and health restored, and HOPE for the future. Thank you Doctor Alan, for my LIFE. 


Herb – Mendham, NJ

In 2010 I was medically diagnosed by my cardiologist with pericardial and peripleural effusion. My heart rate was 150 beats per minute and I had a collapsed lung. I was admitted to the emergency room and a surgeon removed the fluid from my heart and pleura. My heart rate returned to normal. Six weeks later it went back up to 125 beats per minute. My cardiologist advised me to take beta blockers to regulate the electrical conducting system of my heart. Instead, I decided to try an alternative treatment and went to Dr. Alan Shair who recommended herbs and other remedies. Since then my heart rate has been in the low sixties. I have been examined many times over the last 1½ years and my pulse has been slow and strong. I suffered from Lyme Disease, which Dr. Shair addressed. I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Dr. Alan Shair. He really saved my life!



About Dr. Alan Shair


Dr. Shair is a Master Herbalist. His many certificates have afforded him extensive knowledge of human physiology and disposition, as well as many approaches with which to alleviate problems. Over the years, Dr. Shair has assisted individuals with a wide range of ailments. He is passionate about his work, easy to talk to and learns from every one of his patients. Dr. Shair's expertise includes specializations in:

Here are some of the tools and modalities that we use to evaluate and balance your body's basic systems. Click on them to learn more.

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Why people choose us

Experience You Can Trust

Over 30 years of experience with multiple modalities. This enables us to work on finding out the potential roots of the issues so that we can...

Your Health - The Best Investment

Functional Medicine stands apart because it requires an understanding of each individual, a prerequisite for rooting out disease. It also promotes...

Our Commitment To You

We strive to discover the root of the issues not just treat the symptoms. Working on your health is one of the smartest investments of time,...

Our Collaborative Approach

Partnership is built on principles and practices of shared commitment between the Dr. Shair and his patients.

We Treat You As a Whole Person

We look for the cause of your symptoms which might include innovative diagnostics like neurotransmitter testing.

We Take The Time To Know You

Each patient is different. Dr. Shair investigates all of the issues that are keeping you from optimal health.


  • “ I came to Dr. Alan for help through functional medicine for severe dental infections that were apparently affecting the rest of my body and impairing my health. He has worked very closely with my biological dentist. I think my body recovered from the dental treatment with much more ease with his help. I am happy to say I am steadily improving in health and feeling better and better with more energy than I have felt for years. My thinking is clearer too. Dr. Alan is passionate about his work, and he is also kind. He listens and readily shares his extensive knowledge, which I find very helpful in regards to my treatment. I feel fortunate to be under his care. ”
    Cathy M., AL
  • “ After many years of medical problems (Lyme disease, lower back problems, heart issues, digestive problems and others), a friend of mine pointed me to Dr. Alan Shair and his functional medical work. What a difference! I now have energy, normal blood pressure 120/78 with a 63 pulse, no symptoms of Lyme disease and a big improvement in my lower back. I feel much, much better and continue to improve all the time. ”
    Jim M., NJ
  • “ I used to have constant stomach pain that was sharp at times. After years of going to medical doctors, including several GI doctors, my pain continued. At one point I had an endoscopy procedure and was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The medicine prescribed did not work. I was very frustrated at this point and started looking into diet as an alternative solution to my situation. I began shopping at a health food store in Morristown, NJ. This is where I connected with Alan two years ago. We started working together and he ultimately discovered, among other things that I had a bacteria called Pylori in my system and this was the source of my pain. We worked together to establish a better diet, as well as the right combination of supplements for my condition. It took time but the end result is that my pain is gone. About a year into my relationship with Alan, I referred my mother to him for similar stomach pain. She is well now. Around the same time, my mother-in-law was in desperate pain due to Fibromyalgia. After working with Alan she feels better, is able to walk around for longer periods, and is on an improved diet. Thank you, Alan for helping me and my family! ”
    Ian G., NJ
  • “ Over the last twenty years, I have suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It initially manifested with diarrhea, nausea and bloating and then six years ago it changed to chronic constipation. During this time, I have lived in many different cities and states, and each time I sought out a different gastroenterologist for treatment. All I was ever told was "take this pill" and "take that laxative". Nothing helped for long. Finally, I was told that my only recourse was to have a colostomy. Fortunately my brother-in-law who lives in New Jersey, had been seeing Dr. Alan Shair for an unrelated problem. He suggested that I reach out to Dr. Shair for help. Dr. Shair performed a number of different tests in order to evaluate the situation. He felt that I was allergic to gluten and dairy. No other practioner had ever told me about these allergies. He also believed that my intestines were full of bacteria. Dr. Shair put me on a regiment of nutritional supplements and dietary changes, and within two months I felt relief from the diarrhea, constipation, nausea and bloating. Now, I am feeling much better because of the nutritional supplements and dietary changes that Dr. Shair had suggested. Dr. Shair also informed me that he thought that I was having trouble with my sphincter muscle, and that should be it checked out by my gastroenterologist. The gastroenterologist found out that indeed, I did have a problem with the sphincter muscle. It was not able to relax during a bowel movement. Once again, Dr. Shair was correct in his assessment. Now at age 70, I feel better than I have in the last twenty years. I would strongly recommend that anyone who suffers from IBS contact Dr. Alan Shair. Don't continue to suffer as I did for twenty years. ”
    Franklin S., SC
  • “ In 2010 I was medically diagnosed by my cardiologist with pericardial and peripleural effusion. My heart rate was 150 beats per minute and I had a collapsed lung. I was admitted to the emergency room and a surgeon removed the fluid from my heart and pleura. My heart rate returned to normal. Six weeks later it went back up to 125 beats per minute. My cardiologist advised me to take beta blockers to regulate the electrical conducting system of my heart. Instead, I decided to try an alternative treatment and went to Dr. Alan Shair who recommended herbs and other remedies. Since then my heart rate has been in the low sixties. I have been examined many times over the last 1 ½ years and my pulse has been slow and strong. I suffered from Lyme Disease, which Dr. Shair addressed. I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Dr. Alan Shair. He really saved my life! ”
    Herb N., NJ
  • “ What Dr. Alan has done, and does, for my health is amazing. It seems that we are always hearing about the next great supplement that’s going to do wonders for our health, but he tells me what’s going to work with my body specifically. When I feel a little illness coming on, he helps me nip it in the bud quickly. I’ve had vertigo several times; before I worked with him, I was incapacitated for days, but he’s been able to have me feeling normal within hours. He works with me as a whole person, physically and mentally. So if I call to say I’m feeling depressed, he’ll talk to me a bit about it first, addressing that psychological need, and then he works on the physiological part. With all the toxins that we are constantly being exposed to, it’s reassuring to have someone who can actually help me deal with the underlying causes and not just cover up my symptoms. ”
    Abby S., MN
  • “ I can’t say enough about working with Dr. Alan! He really listens and asks the right questions so he can get to the root of issues. He has helped me overcome longstanding problems with sleep, blood pressure, bone density and overall energy, and he is thorough – he doesn’t stop until he knows I am really improved. I am grateful for his amazing knowledge and caring! ”
    Regina Y., NJ

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