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If you are one of over 50 million Americans suffering from chronic disease, Functional Medicine has much to offer you. While it is a generalized, holistic approach to wellness, even specialists such as allergists, dermatologists, ENTs, gynecologists, urologists, orthopedists, opthamologists, accident and trauma surgeons, internists, sports medicine, dentists, and even veterinarians have started using it in their practices because of its proven effectiveness.

Functional Medicine offers a new paradigm in healthcare, based on the belief that diseases don't exist. What we know as diseases are really an expression of a breakdown in our interconnected biological systems. Functional Medicine looks at the big picture, focusing on the individual instead of the ailment and symptoms. Functional Medicine Practitioners build partnerships with our patients, empowering them to take control of their own health and make sustainable, positive lifestyle changes. You deserve more than temporary relief. Functional Medicine offers long-term recovery, so that you can go on to live a healthy life.

Generally, most physicians are trained in acute care, which treats immediate problems. There is a place for this type of care, and Dr. Shair never hesitates to recommend medical intervention when that may be indicated. However, standard medical treatment may be unable to resolve the underlying problem (often the result of a complex combination of genetics, environment and lifestyle). Without considering these functional factors, many people may receive temporary relief, but go on for years without ever resolving the issue.

People dealing with chronic ailments like hyper reactivity, rashes, neurodermatitis, asthma, migraines, pain and neurologic disorders, internal organ disorders, chronic inflammations, rheumatic illnesses, injuries, fields of interference due to scarring, dental and orthodontic problems and chronic fatigue are, at best, able to maintain a status quo, and at worst, left to live with ongoing pain and discomfort. In very few cases do they see their disease completely eradicated by standard medicine. The reason for this is a matter of perspective. The focus of western medicine is almost entirely on symptoms instead of the underlying causes - the "what" of the disease, versus the "why" - which lead to illness in the first place. This explains why there are so many prescriptions...and so few real answers.

The goal of the practitioner is to give the patient back control of his or her health, working with them and their other health care providers, as partners in education, change, and healing. We focus on the entire person instead of one specific problem. First and foremost, we look at your body's basic systems to find the imbalances that lead to illness. Based on your biochemistry, genetics, health history and lifestyle, we focus on equalizing your system using complex homeopathy (a personalized mixture of remedies) in conjunction with healthy eating and western medicine. Much like Traditional Chinese Medicine, functional medicine therapy is a completely different paradigm from standard medical practice in the West. Holistic and person-centered, Functional Medicine takes into account the individual's history, genetics, lifestyle, as well as other causes of disease, such as toxins, allergens, nutrition, infections and stress, which can lead to imbalance in the biological network - the real cause of illness. Functional Medicine is not allopathic medical treatment as provided by medical doctors. The goal of Functional Medicine is not to identify the illness, but to determine the appropriate therapeutic approach (typically used along with other therapies) that will enable the body to stabilize, and ultimately, to heal itself. In short, Functional Medicine combines the best of both worlds to provide patients with not only recovery from illness, but a long and healthy future.


Here are some of the tools and modalities that we use to evaluate and balance your body's basic systems. Click on them to learn more.

About Dr. Alan Shair

Dr. Alan Shair has over 30 years of experience in the field of healing. He is an expert in Lyme Disease Therapy, and has had tremendous success with his patients. Most of his patients report feeling a difference after just one month! He is also a master Herbalist. His many certificates have afforded him extensive knowledge of human physiology and disposition, as well as many approaches with which to alleviate problems. Over the years, Dr. Shair has assisted individuals with a wide range of ailments. He is passionate about his work, easy to talk to and learns from every one of his patients. Dr. Shair's expertise includes specializations in:

  • Lyme Disease Therapy
  • General and Advanced Naturopathy
  • Homeopathy
  • Clinical Hypno-anesthesiology
  • Pain Management
  • Neural Therapy
  • Biofeedback/Bio-resonance
  • and numerous other modalities.

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