Neurotransmitter Testing

Neurotransmitter Testing

Many recurring complex symptoms are so common that it is difficult to determine the cause.  Similar set of symptoms can present themselves with significantly different underlying conditions. Testing a patient's biomarkers (transmitter levels), can potentially improve accurate results which allow us to offer better treatment options to our patients.

Through innovative testing we can potentially help our patients wtih therapies that might benefit them. Neurotransmitter imbalances can present with many different types of symptoms and are associated with many of today's most common and recurring health conditions. The following patient symptoms might point to neurotransmitter imbalances:

  • Fatigue
  • Anxiousness
  • Sleep difficulties (disorders)
  • Adrenal depletion
  • Irritability
  • Inability to enjoy favorite activities
  • Changes in appetite and sudden weight loss/gain
  • Poor mental performance, i.e. issues with memory, attention, and ability to concentrate

Neurotransmitters are responsible for controlling communication in the entire body.

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that facilitate communication between neurons, thereby impacting every cell, tissue and system in the body.

Patients can't really tell you what's wrong with them.

You can give us a long list of your symptoms, but we need to identify the underlying imbalances causing those symptoms. Neurotransmitter testing can tell us what the you can't.

While patients are unique, symptoms are not.

Many symptoms, such as fatigue, sudden weight gain, anxiousness and sleep difficulties can have completely different underlying causes. Neurotransmitter testing measures key biomarkers for each patient.

Complex health conditions require a systematic integrated approach.

We need to review all of the body's functions including nervous, endocrine and immune as an integrated system. Neurotransmitter testing helps us to uncover adrenal and immune issues that affect proper neural balance.

Testing biomarkers helps us to customize your care.

Once we have your personalized, integrated lab results, we can address underlying imbalances. As a result, we can potentially offer you better care.